【STA】RTK Ski Turn Analyzer[STA] Introduction <for DIY>

■For a new way to enjoy skiing
I live in Nagano pref. in Japan.The1998 Winter Olympic games were held in Nagano.

I think ,Skiing is a sport of self-gratification,that is the origin of fun.
 For 5 years , I  tryed  to see my telemark turn and Alpen curving turn objectively.
I think belows,
・Ski  trail   consits of balance  between   motion vector and  ski skidding.

・These elements combination can become the  story of  ski run of the whole body ski turn of skier.

I had tryed to measure  using  MEMS Accelerometers ,I couldn’t get any Ski Turn parameters  due to  vibration noise and Integration error.
 Dec.2019 I was lucky to find  the ArduSimple’s SimpleRTK2B heading kit.
=>This Theme was published in the ArduSimple’s Blog at  19-March-2021.

※Sep2024  STA25 developping  Adding Ski Bend-Torsion sensor

※Feb 2024  New STA24 Ski Tracing   Boots On  System  with 3D print Water Proof Case
and compact system  (RTK+IMU(BNO085) ,UDP data log)     without MovingBase heading
Any skis and Snow boards Available!


※April 2023  STA23 Ski Tracing system improved Regards type with IMU(BNO055)  YOUTUBE

※Feb 2022 Updated   SkiTurnAnalyzer Skiing Animation and Data Graph Viewer development completed
But Big challenges remain that I am  novice at alpen skiing.

1:Purpose of the system

A. Quantification of Ski turn Skidding
B. RL Ski  parameter (headSpeed,headAngle,longtitude,latitude,height,ski Slope)
C.  Time accuracy(Sampling period,RL Ski RTK Synchronizing)
D.Easy for everyone to use ,easy to understand,
E.Analyzed Results  see soon after ski run

2:Ski Turn Analyzer [STA] description

2-1:System Outline
    GNSS board:          Ardusimple SimpleRTK2B Headingkit x2  
    Microcomputer:     M5StickCx2,M5Atom-TFx2 (Arduino IDE Programming)
    F9P setting:            SimpleRTK2B master configuration file Movingbase setting   rate 8Hz  ourput NAV-PVT,NAV-RELPOSNED
RTK:                        Softbank ALES NTRIP service(3300 stations in japan) https//www.softbank.jp/biz/iot/service/ichimill


1-STA system Hardware and Operation

2-STA -1stSkiing Test


3-VB.NET SkiTurnAnalyzer  Operation
If you can use  VB.NET  on VisualStudio2019 , attached to  Zip file of the STA project.
 copy right free <~~
Embarrassing with a crappy program~~)







2-2:Ski Antenna setting

※ I improve  Rover antenna position  farther back for avoid covering of  telemark sikiing form.

2-5:On Skiing Mount
Above system  worn on skier chest.

Mouting View   link ti YOUTUBE

2-4:Data Analysys

#Updated    July 2021
All Turn Parameter calculation and  AutoTracingGraphic 
cap1. AutoTracing Graphic 
cap2.Basic of Bitmap Graphics
cap3.Dynamic trimming 
Graphics program
cap4.Ski Turn Analysis Algorithm

I am still improving  programs. Latest rev 016 is below


2-5 STA  Algorithm under development
 A ski Run  Estimation  to compare with your own senses
Speed and  Turn Arc and  range of Motion Angle and Skidding Angle

      example below graph
A:  Speed(pink) not controlled
B:  Motion-HeadAngle  range   decreasing
C:  Skid Angle range decreasing

A,B,C  Ranege Shape  Depends on the skier’s sence.

-STA will visualize your skiing image ,record your fired run  objective.

I will be developping STA until Mar 2022.

<<<<For inquiries, please send an email or leave a comment.>>>>

shinshu-makers  address : dj1711572002@gmail.com


2 thoughts on “【STA】RTK Ski Turn Analyzer[STA] Introduction <for DIY>”

  1. 私が憧れていたシステムが開発されたと感動しました。

    1. 返信遅れて申し訳ございません。モニターしていただけるのは、大変ありがたいと存じます。2022年12月ごろから、長野市の飯綱リゾートスキー場で
      2022年版のSTA開発中です。現在のUBLOX F9P GNSSチップだと、サンプリング周波数が8-10Hzと遅いので

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